Welcome to Systems Psychotherapy. Counseling Services in Kansas City.

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is a personalized and transformative journey. In this safe and confidential space, clients explore their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors under the skilled guidance of Bailey Smalley, Marriage and Family Therapist. Whether it's managing stress and anxiety, or seeking personal growth, individual therapy empowers you to enhance self-awareness, develop coping strategies, and lead a more fulfilling life.

Couples Counseling

A couple holding hands representing Couples Counseling in Kansas City, MO with Bailey Smalley

Couples counseling is a dedicated space for partners to work through their relationship challenges and improve communication. Bailey Smalley, Marriage and Family Therapist, provides expert guidance to help couples navigate issues such as communication problems, conflicts, trust-building, and intimacy. Through couples counseling, you can rekindle the love and harmony in your relationship.

Meet Bailey Smalley, Marriage and Family Therapist

As a therapist, educator and poet, I have always felt a sense of wonder at the influence humans share in their relationships and environments.

Taking time to reflect on our lived experiences - and those of others - is how we begin to learn and integrate the lessons life offers us.

So how is life prompting you to grow?

“Strangely, I heard a stranger say, I am with you.”

— Rainer Maria Rilke